Although less restrictive than the plane, take theEurostar generates some rules to know and to put into practice. Here is all the information to prepare for your trip!
Don't arrive at the station at the last minute!
As England is not part of the Schengen area, you will have to submit to a control identity papers from French and English customs.
In addition, for security reasons, you will have to queue to have your bags checked.
Therefore, it is imperative to arrive at the station 30 minutes before your departure time.
Please note, these departure checks are only valid for Paris and Lille stations.
For travelers departing from the south-east (Marseille, Avignon, Lyon), controls will be carried out at the Lille Europe station which has the necessary facilities for security and immigration controls.
What are the formalities ?
To get to London you will need either an identity card or a valid passport.
Minors unaccompanied by one of their parents must bring the following options:
- the valid passport of the child
- a valid identity card for the child + parental authorization to leave the country.
How are the security checks carried out?
Good news, security checks are much less tedious than those carried out at airports!
You can leave your phone, tablet and computer in your bags and you can take cash with you without any restrictions, and even bottles of wine (12 bottles or cans of beer or 6 bottles of wine or 3 bottles of spirits per traveler.) !
How long is the trip ?
Finally, if you are wondering when looking at your ticket why your outward journey seems longer than your return journey, there is no mystery, this is quite simply explained by the time difference between France and Great Britain.
Have a nice trip !