The products offered by this business are environmentally friendly and made from recycled plastics, which helps in conserving natural resources, energy, and reducing ocean pollution and landfill. They provide stability for parking surfaces, pathways, and track stability for vehicles and pedestrians. The products are durable, tough, and easy to install, making them ideal for various projects.
This business stands out in the industry due to its focus on eco-friendly and environmentally friendly products. They have their own patent protection and trademark protection, ensuring the quality and uniqueness of their products. They offer a wide range of products for different purposes, such as shed bases, driveway parking spaces, access road surface supports, and building base kits.
The products offered by this business are made from recycled toughened eco-friendly plastic, which helps in reducing ocean pollution and conserving natural resources. The products provide stability and achieve S.U.D.S compliant permeable surfaces, helping to prevent floods and comply with environmental regulations. By using permeable surfaces, the products mitigate against flooding and contribute to environmental conservation.
The products offered by this business have a wide range of applications, including parking reinforcement, pathways, track stability for vehicles and pedestrians, stable yards, menage and gateways, golf course paths, horse stable yards, and parking pathways. The products are suitable for various projects and provide stability and durability for different purposes.
This business ensures the quality and reliability of its products by sourcing 100% of its recycled product materials within the UK. They have full protection of design rights, trademark protection, and patent protection for their products, ensuring that they are unique and of high quality. The products are manufactured in UK facilities and delivered directly to customers, guaranteeing quality and reliability.