The Reg. Office is located at 2 Penman Way, Grove Park, Leicester LE19 1ST.
The company is registered in England with Company Reg. No. 2883766. It is also registered for VAT with Reg. No GB 610 6250 86.
The company is authorized and regulated by the FCA for Insurance distribution services, under FRN 310540.
Customers have expressed immense joy and gratitude for the superb service they received. They mentioned that the staff was courteous, professional, and friendly. The cars on display were amazing, and the service was of a high standard. Customers also highlighted the excellent customer service they received, making their experience truly memorable.
Customers have rated their experience with the company as a perfect 10 out of 10, without a doubt. They mentioned that the dealership experience and hospitality were exceptional, and the staff was welcoming and helpful. Overall, customers expressed their pleasure in visiting and doing business with the company.