Visitors can expect a unique experience at this working family farm in Northamptonshire. They will have the opportunity to see a variety of farm animals up close, learn about the daily operations of a farm, and even participate in hands-on activities.
The farm offers an Equestrian Centre where visitors can enjoy horseback riding and learn about caring for horses. There is also a Farm Shop where visitors can purchase fresh produce and other farm-related products.
The farm has been granted an Open Farm license and an Equestrian Centre license by North Northants Council. These licenses allow the farm to open its doors to the public and offer equestrian activities in a safe and regulated manner.
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Visitors can make the most of their experience at this working family farm by taking part in guided tours, attending educational workshops, and participating in interactive activities. They can also support the farm by purchasing products from the Farm Shop and spreading the word about their positive experience.