1. Kizen Bujinkan Dojo - Glasgow City
Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA, United Kingdom
2. Bujinkan Kage Dojo Glasgow - Glasgow City

Neighbourhood Centre, Govanhill, 6 Daisy St, Glasgow G42 8JL, United Kingdom
3. Bujinkan Glasgow Omou Dojo - Glasgow City
10 Possil Rd, Glasgow, G4 9SY, United Kingdom
4. Kids and Teens Krav Maga - Glasgow City
The Pentagon Centre, 36-38 Washington St, Glasgow G40 3QT, United Kingdom
5. UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc Glasgow - Glasgow City
St Ninians Church, 1 Albert Dr, Glasgow G41 2PT, United Kingdom
6. Mike Krause Martial Arts Academy - Glasgow City
54 Washington St, Glasgow, G3 8AZ, United Kingdom
7. UKTC Taekwondo & Little Tiger Cubs - Glasgow City
Barmulloch Community Education Centre, 46 Wallacewell Quadrant, Glasgow G21 3PX, United Kingdom
8. The Vanguard Centre - Glasgow City
63 Commerce St, Glasgow, G5 8AD, United Kingdom
9. Hokushin Martial Arts - Glasgow City
759 Argyle St, Glasgow, G3 8DS, United Kingdom
10. The Griphouse - Glasgow City
Top Floor, 10 Possil Rd, Glasgow G4 9SY, United Kingdom
11. Hybrid Fight Academy - Glasgow City
5 Dornoch St, Bridgeton, Glasgow G40 2QT, United Kingdom
12. The Martial Practice - Wing Tsun Kung Fu - Glasgow City
2 Kirkwood St, Rutherglen, Glasgow G73 2SL, United Kingdom