The business offers a safe place for puppies to make friends and play. Their experts will be on hand to answer all puppy related questions. They also provide activities designed to teach puppies good social skills.
It costs £10 per puppy for an hour of activities. Additionally, puppies will receive a £5 voucher off any purchase made on the day.
Puppies can benefit from making friends, playing, and learning good social skills. The activities are designed to provide a safe and fun environment for puppies to interact and grow.
The staff members are experts in all things related to puppies. They are knowledgeable and experienced in handling and caring for puppies, and are there to provide guidance and support to puppy owners.
Puppy owners can use the £5 voucher towards any purchase made on the day of the activities. This is a great way to save money on essential puppy supplies or treats for their furry friends.