Answer: Visitors can enjoy a variety of events at this cultural hub, including live performances in a 100-seat theater, educational workshops in the arts, and small venue concerts and arts programs.
Answer: By signing up for the latest event news, visitors can receive customised recommendations, exclusive offers, and more benefits related to the events and programs offered at this cultural hub.
Answer: The public art and literature trail is inspired by a world-famous children's book by a Lisburn author, creating a unique experience for visitors to explore and enjoy the themes of the book through art and literature.
Answer: Visitors can find a great range of classes at this cultural hub, offering opportunities to engage in educational workshops and programs in the arts, enhancing their creativity and skills.
Answer: The privacy policy ensures that visitors' privacy is protected, and by signing up for the latest event news, they agree to the Privacy Notice. They can unsubscribe at any time, with Terms and Conditions applying to their subscription.